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3 курс


Open the brackets using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.

  1. My question (not to answer) yesterday.

  2. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.

  3. His new book (to finish) next year.

  4. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.

  5. This bone (to give) to my day tomorrow.

  6. The letter (to receive) yesterday.

  7. Bread (to eat) every day.

  8. This text (not to translate) at the last lesson.

  9. Nick (to send) to London next month.

  10. Many games (to play) at our lessons.


Translate into English.

  1. Мене завжди вдома хвалять.

  2.  Її показали лікарю.

  3. Моєму другові допоможуть з англійською мовою.

  4. Коли відправлять лист?

  5. Де купують хліб?

  6. Нас часто згадують у селі.

  7. Мені дали на обід суп.

  8. Квитки принесуть завтра.

  9. Коли зварили обід?

  10. Як будуть робити цю роботу?

     Use the necessary form of the infinitive.

  1. He seems (to read ) a lot.

  2. I am sorry (to break) your pen.

  3. She hoped (to help) by her friends.

  4. The children seem (to play) since morning.

  5. I am glad (to speak) to you now.

  6. He seems (to read) all the books at home.

  7. We expect (to be ) back in two days.

  8. He expected (to help) by the teacher.

  9. The seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices.

  10. They are supposed (to work) for the last two days.




Electric Current and their Properties


conduction- провідність

movement - pyx

flow of charges - потік зарядів

to take place - відбуватися

gaseous - газоподібний

liquid - рідкий

conductor - провідник

mobile - рухливий

though - крізь

wire - дріт

visible - видимий

orderly - регулярний

arrangement - прилад

particle - частка

nucleus - ядро

tightly packed - міцно спресований

solid - тіло

freely - вільно

between - між

ordinarily - звичайно

at random - безладно

driving force - сила, що рухає

to cause - заставляти

tending to produce - схильна виробляти

motion - pyx

electromotive force - електрорухаюча сила

is applied to – накладена

direction - напрямок

to induce - індукувати

the greater... the greater is - чим більше, тим

the number of - кількість

participating - брати участь

flow of current - потік електричної напруги

existence - існування

to heat - нагрівати

to pass through - проходити крізь

solution - розчин

to observe - спостерігати

namely - а саме

direct current - постійний струм

alternating current - змінний струм

pulsating current - пульсуючий струм





     Conduction is the name normally given to a movement or flow of charges. The charges are usually electrons, but may also be ions when the conduction takes place in gaseous or liquid con­ductors, in which the ions are mobile.

     How does the current flow through a wire? A metal is made up of tiny crystals which are visible under a microscope. A crystal is a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms. As it was explain­ed, an atom is a complex particle in which tiny electrons move around nucleus. When the atoms are tightly packed as they are in a metallic solid,, some of the electron's move freely between the atoms. These are called free electrons. Ordinarily, the free elec­trons move at random through the metal. There must be some driving force to cause the electrons to move through the metal conductor. This driving force tending to produce the motion of electrons through a circuit is called an electromotive force or e. m. f. that moves electric charges from one point in the circuit to another.

    When an electromotive force is applied to the ends of a wire the free electrons move in one direction. It is the movement of the free electrons in a conductor that induces an electric current. The greater the number of participating electrons, the greater is the flow of current.

    No one has ever seen an electric current. We only know of the existence of a current by its effects. A current can heat a con­ductor, it can have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect. We can measure currents by observing their heating, their chemical, or their mag­netic effects.

    There are some kinds of current, namely: a direct current (d. c, for short), an alternating current (a. c), a pulsating current.



для студентів 3 курсу



Поставте наступні речення у множину.

1. This is a baby.                         5. Is that a plane?

2. That is a flower.                      6. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket.

3. This room is very large.          7. Is that a flower?

4. That is not a queen.                 8. This shoe is too large for my foot.


Перефразуйте наступні речення, вживаючи присвійний відмінок.

  1. The questions of my son.             5. The flat of my sister is large.

  2. The poems of Pushkin.                 6. The name of this girl is Jane.

  3. The wife of my brother.                7. The new club of the workers.

  4. The table of our teacher.                8. The car of my parents.


Перекласти речення.

  • Це довгий шлях.

  • Це довший шлях.

  • Це найдовший шлях.

  • Я знаю цікаву історію.

  • Він знає цікавішу історію.

  • Вона знає найцікавішу історію.

Розкрийте дужки вживаючи дієслова в Present Simple та напишіть переклад речень.

  1. He (to sleep) every night.

  2. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.

  3. They (not to eat) at the lesson.

  4. Your sister (to rest) after school?

  5. What you (to do) every morning?

  6. They (to go) to school every morning.

  7. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.

  8. My mother (not to work) at an office.

  9. You (to work) every day?

  10. What you (to read) after dinner?





             A flag is not just a piece of cloth. Very often it is an expression of human hopes and ideals. Behind it is the history of the country it represents, the past and present of whole peoples, and very often their future too.

           The cloudless blue sky and the golden wheat fields lent their colours to the National Flag of Ukraine.  The Trident, this ancient symbol of strength and love of freedom, made up the foundation of its State Emblem. These national attributes embody the centuries of struggle of this long-suffering land for freedom, sovereignty and independence.

         One of the oldest flags in the world is the British. Its crosses stand for the patron saints of old England, Scotland and Ireland. Some historians say that the British flag got the name of Union Jack from James I under whom Scotland and England were united in the 17th century.

        The American flag is called the Stars and Stripes. The horizontal red and white stripes represent the original thirteen states that declared they would no longer be colonies of Great Britain. The stars in the flag – white on a dark blue background – represent the number of states making up  the United States. There are fifty of them now.

       The Canadian flag consists of three vertical stripes, two red ones in the right and left and a white stripe between them, with a maple leaf in the middle of the white stripe.

       The New Zealand and Australian flags are very much alike.

       On the British flag as its background n the top left-hand corner the Australians show the stars of the Southern Cross in white on a blue field, while the New Zealanders show the stars in red on a blue field.


Слухати і виконати аудіювання (пройдіть за посиланням)


уважно продивитися серії мультфільмів, визначити про що кожна серія, записати у зошит, виписавши нові слова.

(Пройдіть за посиланням)

Текст завдання:

Jim went to the thrift shop. He wasn't looking for anything in particular. He liked to go there just to browse. A big sign on the front door said OPEN. The shop was closed on Sunday and Monday. The rest of the week, it opened at 10 a.m. and closed at 2 p.m.

Two women worked inside. At the back of the shop was a big room where another lady worked. She sorted the new donations and put price tags on them. At the end of each day, she would bring the new donations out to the main part of the shop.

Everyone who worked at the thrift shop was a volunteer. The only "payment" they received was that they had the opportunity to see, and buy, any items in the shop before the customers did.

When Jim entered, the lady at the register told him hello. He smiled and said hello. She knew Jim because he was a regular customer.
Jim said, "What's new?"

She laughed and said that nothing was ever new at a thrift shop. "It's always old and it's always used," she smiled.
Jim looked at the watches in the glass case. He saw one that he liked.
"Could I look at that one?" he asked.

1.Прослухайте аудіо, слідкуючи очима по тексту. Мінімум 2 рази. 
2. Перекладіть та випишіть усі нові для вас слова.
3. Прочитайте текст вголос самостійно.
4. Поділіть текст на декілька частин для зручності. 
5. Перекажіть кожну частину тексту, використовуючи нові слова. Зробіть це декілька раз.




  1. Заповни пропуски підходящими за змістом поданими дієсловами

  у відповідній формі.

read    bake     listen     play     hate    watch     have    be    live

1) We ... in Ukraine. Our country ... beautiful. 2) We ... six lessons on Mondays. 3) My uncle ... a new sports car. 4) His cat often ... TV with him. 5) My dog ... sugar. Oh, it... a joke! 6) My elder sister ... to music every day. 7) Sometimes Dad ... computer games with me. 8) Granny usually ... her famous pies on Sundays. 9) Grandpa usually ... newspapers in the evening.

to bake [beik] — випікати,

to hate [heit] — ненавидіти пекти

joke [dȝǝuk] — жарт

famous [’feimǝs] — знаменитий, відомий

 pie [pai] — пиріг


2. Знайди та виправ шість помилок у наступних реченнях.

1) Му kitten like to sleep on the sofa.

2) They goes to bed early on Sundays.

3) My elder brother plays computer games after classes.

4) Tigers likes meat.

5) My classmates often play football in summer.

6) My grandparents has a nice house in a village.

7) His uncle drive a taxi.

 8) My friend has a clever big black dog.

9) He have two sisters and three brothers.


3. Перепиши речення, заміняючи підмети словами з дужок. Звертай увагу на форму дієслова.

1) They work at the hospital. (She)

 2) We don’t study at university. (He)

3) We like music. We often sing songs. (Rita, She)

4) Rita and Max don’t speak French. (Dan)

5) I do grammar exercises every day. (Victor)

 6) My friends don’t play tennis after classes. (Our classmates)

 7) My granny doesn’t watch TV in the morning. (I)

8) I don’t walk a lot. I work hard. (My friend, He)

9) You understand me. (She)

10) My elder brother speaks English well. (We)


                                                 ПИСЬМОВА РОБОТА З ТЕКСТОМ

  1. Прочитай розповідь, потім заповни таблицю прикметниками з тексту.

                                    Is the Moon More Important than the Sun?

      I am Mike. I have two brothers: Max and Dan. Max is two years younger than me. Dan is four years older than Max. He is eight. So, Max is four and I am six. Max is more friendly than Dan. Dan is more serious than me. Max isn’t serious. He is very curious. I think he is the funniest little boy in the world. He asks hundreds of unusual questions about usual things. He can ask, “Is the moon more important than the sun?” Dan and I laugh. But Max has his own answer to his question. He says, “Yes, the moon is more important than the sun, because without the moon it is absolutely dark at night. So, the moon is the most important planet in the sky”. I think Max is the most curious little brother of all little brothers.


absolutely ['sebsaluith] — зовсім

 curious ['kjuarias] — допитливий

hundreds of questions — сотні питань

important [im'poitant] — важливий, значний

own [ǝun] — власний

serious ['siarias] — серйозний

unusual  — не звичайний

usual  — звичайний

without  — без



у звичайному ступені

 вищому ступені

найвищому ступені


                         ПИСЬМОВА РОБОТА

Виписати номера речень у два стовпчики:

1 – речення без помилок

2 – речення, у яких є помилки та написати речення вірно


  1. I am busier than my little sister.

  2. London is more old than New York.

  3. It is the most sharp pencil I have.

  4. Do you know the shortest way to the station?

  5. This exercise is more difficult than that one.

  6. Be active at your lessons, please.

  7. She is the most pretty girl I`ve ever known.

  8. The boy is as taller as his father.

  9. He makes more mistakes than you do.

  10. Baseball is the popularest summer sport in America.

  11. Yesterday he started to feel more bad.

  12. Soon it began to get more darker and it was time to go back home.

  13. He said that money was the most important to him.

  14. I`ve got a headache. Be quieter, please.

  15. Mary`s answer is correcter than your.

  16. Can you come more early next time?

  17. You should be carefuler.


                        МОДАЛЬНІ ДІЄСЛОВА (MODAL VERBS)
The Verb
З англійській мові є такі модальні дієслова: саn (могти, вміти), could міг), must (повинен, потрібно), mау (можеш, може), should (слід), have to (повинен, потрібно) та ін. Модальні дієслова (крім have to) мають одну форму для всіх осіб і чисел та самостійно (без допоміжних дієслів) утворюють питальні *а заперечні форми. Після модальних дієслів (крім have to) інфінітив вживається без to: Can your friend skate? I'm afraid he can't skate, but he can ski. Дієслова have to, ought to є винятками: після них інфінітив вживається з to, а питальні та заперечні речення потребують відповідних допоміжних дієслів. Наприклад: Do they have to come at five? — No, they don't. They have to come it six. Модальні дієслова мають відповідні форми у минулому та майбутньому часах.
Present                                       Past                           Future
can                                              could                          will be able to

must                                           had to                         will have to                    may                                             might                         will be allowed to

Наприклад: She will be able to meet you tomorrow. We had to take a taxi because we couldn't miss the train, hope my parents will allow me to go fishing. 

Виконати завдання 

Circle the correct item.
1) You can/could buy the present yesterday. 2) I think we could,/ will be able to buy the tickets beforehand. 3) Eddy must/had to return me this book yesterday. 4) The pupils must/mustn’t make a noise in the classroom. 5) The children may/will be allowed to play in the park today. 6) My mother may not/won’t allow me to take her camera. 7) Your cousin can/may play the guitar very well. 8) All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year. 9) Last year Ben could/couldn’t speak English, but now he can/can’t speak English rather well. 10) I think they can/will be able to take part in this festival next year.




Поставте питання до виділених слів. В дужках позначено кількість питань

Не will be able to reserve a room at the Ukraine Hotel (3). 2. We had to learn 40 new English words last week (4). 3. Mr. Moiseev will have to leave for the town of Nikolaev on the 4th of January (3). 4. Yesterday my friend had to come to his office early as he had a lot of work to do (5). 5. You will have to clear up all these points with the representative of the firm (3).

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